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Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

The Economics of Nigerian Federalism: Selected Issues in Economic Management

Publius: The Journal of Federalism 1991 21 (4) :89-101;
© 1991 by CSF Associates Inc. © 1991 by CSF Associates Inc..

Izevbuwa Osayimwese and Sunday Iyare and Sunday Iyare
OPEC Secretariat OPEC Secretariat
University of Benin University of Benin

Nigeria's economic difficulties are due primarily to public-sector Nigeria's economic difficulties are due primarily to public-sector mismanagement exacerbated by the dynamics of federalism and mismanagement exacerbated by the dynamics of Federalism and state creation and by the growth in centralized federal power. state creation and by the growth in federal Centralized power. Monetary policy has been inadequate, fiscal policy has rewarded Monetary policy has been inadequate, fiscal policy has rewarded state governments but not brought their spending policies in state governments but not brought their spending policies in line with their own resources and with national economic objectives, line with their own resources and with national economic objectives, and resources have been consistently misallocated, largely because and resources have been misallocated consistently, largely because of the principle of "federal character." of the principle of "federal character." Recent efforts to deregulate Recent efforts to deregulate and privatize the economy show promise, but the success of economic and privatize the economy shows promise, but the success of economic development will depend greatly on the future civilian or military development will depend greatly on the future civilian or military governance of Nigeria. governance of Nigeria.|id&u=

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