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Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Indonesian Economic Prospects 2010 Good Will

Sunday, June 28, 2009 | 19:17 pm

JAKARTA,, Center for Information and Development Studies (CIDES), Umar Juoro estimates, 2010 outlook of the Indonesian economy can be good if the world economy began to recover.

"If the world economy recovers, the Indonesian economic growth can return to levels around 6 percent," he said in Jakarta, Sunday (28 / 6).

Umar said the economic growth of about 6 percent of the course to encourage export activities, and of course, will import more positive, also for invetasi impact inside and outside the country. "Moreover, if the infrastructure development program, both in the scheme kebijakaan economic stimulation as well as ongoing programs may experience significant growth," he said.

Umar assess Indonesian economic development challenges ahead than the problems of infrastructure development is to balance economic growth. The orientation of the sector more sustainable growth and create employment opportunities tend to be relatively large, especially in the manufacturing sector.

Problems of infrastructure development, according to him, not in terms of financing, but more to do with structural issues such as land acquisition, tariffs and other legal certainty. "Of course these structural problems can not be solved immediately, but at least a gradual improvement will encourage the development of a better economy," said Umar.

Indonesia's economic growth noted at the time of global crisis, he explained, until the first quarter - 2009 reached 4.4 percent, mainly supported by private consumption which grew 5.8 percent and government spending. Similarly, even experienced negative growth in exports of more than 20 percent, but the trade balance and current account is still positive because the negative import growth is greater than exports.

Recent strategic value of the rupiah and stock market indices also experienced a significant strengthening because of the prospect that Indonesia's economy seen either so investors began pouring their funds into the market is expected to give high results, especially in emerging markets commodity markets.

"The strengthening of the rupiah and the stock market index is predicted will continue, although at a particular moment happened correction. So do not over-estimate the value of the rupiah will be through a range of numbers USD 9500 per U.S. dollar and the stock market index reaches 2300," said Umar Juoro.

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