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Rabu, 28 April 2010

Tugas surat complaint

April 28, 2010

Arvin be
We have received three (3) separate complaints concerning loud noise on your side of the garage. The tenants of the immediate adjoining houses have all let me know that there seems to be “events” happening on the weekends in your garage space
The garages are for parking only. Excessively loud noise is not acceptable. We are in neighborhood of families and must respect their concerns.
If we reccieve furthere complaints,we will ask you to leave
I have tried to contact you on the number that you have listed on your information sheet. It does not appear to be in service.(02518641492) please let us know how to reach you,
Shoul an emergency arise while you are away. Please leave us you new contact information with your next rent payment. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 025190505885 9am-6pm.

Rika azhar

General Manager

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